Thursday, August 5, 2010

Interview with Andy Marshall
Night Crew!

Strike Day 4! August 5, 2010

  • Emergency RTA meeting set for Friday, 3pm. The only item on the agenda is deciding on who should be in charge of Sun Tran's buses.  All 9 Jurisdictions of the RTA will be present at the meeting.

  • Mandatory Meeting for all Sun Tran Teamsters is scheduled to take place on Sunday, August 8, 2010 at 6am 4220 S. Park Avenue Garage 1.  Andy Marshall will update and address the membership.  Make every effort to attend this very important meeting.

  • For those who have recieved a letter from Sun Tran about being permantly replace this is a standard Company procedure which they are required to do.  The Union has filed Unfair Labor Practice Charges with the NLRB as a precaution to protect all striking workers.  The letter indicated that your Health Care has ended, this is not true and you still have health care coverage.

  • The Teamsters Strike Assistance Center is now open at the Union Hall, 238 W. Elm Street.  Hours of Operation are from 9:00a.m. through Noon - Monday through Friday.  Please call for an appointment (520) 622-3616 for an appointment between 9:00am - Noon. Assistance covers, Credit Counseling, Utility Assistance, Temporary Part time work, letters to creditors and food.

  • There will be no picketing at any of the facilities over the weekend!  We will need members to assist in picking up ice chests, signs, supplies from the picket sites on Friday as well as redistributing them out to the sites again on Monday. Picketing will end at 7:30 pm Friday night and resume Monday morning at Midnight.


First blog on our new TEAMSTERS LOCAL 104 blog

This will be the spot to finfd all the late, breaking news for all things pertaining to Teamsters Local 104.  Stay tuned for future update!

The Professor